Glasgow’s level of air pollution dropped significantly during spring lockdown, but clearly rose when restrictions were released later in the year.

Glasgow’s level of air pollution dropped significantly during spring lockdown, but clearly rose when restrictions were released later in the year.
The European Commission decided to bring France to the Court of Justice for the European Union to address their poor air quality after breaching the daily limit values of particulate matter (PM10).
Sports utility vehicles emit more greenhouse gases than any other car. A report by the New Weather Institute thinktank and the climate charity Possible, has recommended the banning of SUV advertisements in the UK, as a measure to meet UK climate goals.
Air pollution has remained at lower levels in UK towns and cities despite a return to near-normal traffic levels after the easing of coronavirus restrictions, according to research. Analysis of data from more than 100 urban roadside locations shows nitrogen dioxide…
In April, UK carbon emissions reportedly fell by 31%, but have increased since. Whilst the AA predicts that this road traffic slump will soon even out, Friends of Earth warn that “the government themselves are contributing to increased pollution from…