Tyneside is set to trial hundreds of electric scooters over 12 months in a bid to get people out from their cars, backed by the council.

Tyneside is set to trial hundreds of electric scooters over 12 months in a bid to get people out from their cars, backed by the council.
Mobile devices fitted to trains can sense greenhouse gas emissions and monitor air quality at a lower cost.
Researchers will co-ordinate with children to measure air quality on their daily commute to school in order to understand pollution’s impact on health The new Born in Bradford (BiB) venture, based at Bradford Royal Infirmary, is funded by the National…
Numerous studies have concluded that poor air quality affects deprived neighbourhoods significantly more than affluent areas. Particulate matter released by emissions causes serious health conditions. Not only does roadside pollution have to be addressed, but also the social implications it…
Since Boris first announced his ‘Stay at Home’ campaign over six months ago, most of us have been guilty of becoming interior designers and redecorating our homes. However, we overlooked a critical consideration: indoor air pollution. WCRAQ reports. Air pollutants…
According to a new analysis by the Environmental Defense Fund Europe (EDF Europe), Southall in Ealing, Cormwell Road in Kingston, and Romford Road in Newham are the top three most diesel polluted locations in London. However, the ULEZ will not…
The importance of green and healthy growth has been highlighted by a new study, Breathing Life into the UK Economy, from CBI Economics on behalf of the Clean Air Fund. It suggests the UK stands to benefit by £1.6 billion…
The Independent reports that breathing toxic fumes due to exposure of heavily polluted air is one of the key contributors to early death.
The Guardian reports that long-term exposure to air pollution may increase the risk of death from Covid-19, according to a large study by the Office for National Statistics.
Sports utility vehicles emit more greenhouse gases than any other car. A report by the New Weather Institute thinktank and the climate charity Possible, has recommended the banning of SUV advertisements in the UK, as a measure to meet UK climate goals.