The first completely electric refuse vehicle, the eCollect, designed by OEM Dennis Eagle, has gone into service in the UK. After two years of extensive safety and efficiency tests to get a comprehensive picture of its safety and durability, the…

The first completely electric refuse vehicle, the eCollect, designed by OEM Dennis Eagle, has gone into service in the UK. After two years of extensive safety and efficiency tests to get a comprehensive picture of its safety and durability, the…
Tyneside is set to trial hundreds of electric scooters over 12 months in a bid to get people out from their cars, backed by the council.
Attendees at Riviera’s ’Alternative fuels for powering a tug: the selection conundrum’ webinar agreed that conventional diesel propulsion was not the best solution for future-proofing tugboat fleets but they were divided when asked which alternative energy source they would invest…