Dennis Eagle’s first 100% electric refuse collection vehicle is deployed

The first completely electric refuse vehicle, the eCollect, designed by OEM Dennis Eagle, has gone into service in the UK. After two years of extensive safety and efficiency tests to get a comprehensive picture of its safety and durability, the…

Photo Credit: Pexels / Gustavo Fring

Rollout of charging points for electric vehicles remains too slow

The distribution of EV charging points has fallen short of what is required to meet the 2030 ban of petrol and diesel cars, the Policy Exchange think-tank says. The think-tank warns of ‘charging blackspots’ in small towns and rural areas…

Photo Credit: Pexels / George Morina

Outer London elderly residents negatively impacted by air pollution, report reveals

Air pollution is killing more people in London’s outer boroughs than in the inner city as vulnerable older residents suffer heart and respiratory problems, research from Imperial College suggests.

Photo Credit: Pexels / Pixabay

Improving air quality ‘could prevent 50,000 deaths’ across Europe

Limiting air pollution to the recommended World Health Organisation levels, could prevent over 50,000 deaths across Europe according to research.

Photo Credit: Pexels / Karl Gerber

90% of the world’s population exposed to harmful levels of air pollution

33 of the largest cities in the world have levels of particulate matter four times higher than the World Health Organisation’s guidelines of 10 ug/m3. The worst polluted cities in the world are all in Asia, with China, India and…

Photo Credit: Pixabay / Khamkhor

Birmingham on track to implement Clean Air Zone from June 2021

Birmingham City Council is pushing ahead with plans to start its charging Clean Air Zone from 1 June 2021, starting to install ANPR cameras to monitor it. The scheme received approval in late 2020 to go live in the summer…

Photo Credit: Pexels / Anna Urlapova

Glasgow hits air pollution targets during lockdown for first ever time

Glasgow’s level of air pollution dropped significantly during spring lockdown, but clearly rose when restrictions were released later in the year.